One of Boston's most prominent metal acts Diecast chose Stonecutter Productions when they needed to do a professional demo. That demo would land them on Century Media and led to several popular releases and world tours. The record label expected a high level of quality and Stonecutter delivered.
Lateb, Slantsight, Mello Dee and Sullee represent this hip-hop group known as Heddshotts. Heddshotts recorded their first full-length release at Stonecutter Productions and all of the members have also recorded solo material at our south shore recording studio.
searching for silence
The Boston-based rock group Searching for Silence recorded three CD's with Stonecutter Productions. The groups final release "Separate Yourself" was an EP with a mix of different sounds from heavy to acoustic to electronic. The group is no longer together but their recordings can still be found on various sites.